It has characteristics of bipolar device and junction field-effect device. It has two kinds of carriers participating in electric conduction and the conduction ability is controled by voltage. It has larger current density and larger input resistance. 这种器件兼有双极型器件和结型场效应器件的特点,即有两种载流子参与导电,导电能力受电压控制,具有较大的电流容量和输入电阻。
At the same time, the processes of SiC field-effect transistor is studied and the fabrication processes suitable to SiC MOSFET are developed.. 4H-SJC MOSFET device is fabricated. 同时,研究了SiC场效应晶体管的制作工艺,初步得到了一套制造SiCMOSFET器件的制造工艺流程,研制出了4H-SiCMOSFET器件。
The conductivity of a field-effect like ultrashort channel weak link superconducting three-terminal device is discussed. 本文讨论了一种MOS场效应型超短沟道弱连接超导三端器件的导电性能。
Among them, the control unit of the primary and subordinate CPU structure has very high precision of control, takes the power field-effect transistor as the power device. 其中,主从CPU结构的控制单元具有很高的控制精度;采用了功率场效应管作为功率器件。
A new double-injection junction field-effect device 新型双注入结型场效应器件